In 18/04/2018, the Erasmus+ project titled «Integration of Disabled People in the labor market – Investment in learning training as a means to stop social exclusion», 2017-1-CY01-KA102-026612, taking place in Patras, began its activities. E-SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL GROUP welcomed the trainees and their escorts from St. LAZARUS centre for people with disabilities from Larnaka, Cyprus, as a receiving organization and organizer of the educational part of the program. During the first week of the program, the participants from St. Lazarus followed a training program regarding the training in the use of software for people with mental retardation and moving difficulties like «Learning to move with safety, B» , «Zac Browser Gold» and «NPointer».
A visit took place in the Special Gymnasium and Lyceum of Patras, where the participants were welcomed by Mr. Lyris and learned about the methods and teaching subjects of the school, while they met the teachers and many students from the school. Apart from the training program, the trainees and escorts took part in activities of a cultural and entertaining nature. They visited the church of St. Andreas where they watch part of the liturgy, they visited Molos of Partas, they visited Achaia Clauss, where a tour and presentation of the historical winemaking company and the methods of making wine and other beverages took place. In addition, they watched the concert «We sing for Social Solidarity for people with movement disabilities», the visited the public painting Gallery, where they were informed about the history of shadow theater and they were toured around the city of Patras.
The program continues with educational and cultural activities, until Wednesday 2nd of May, 2018, when the trainees and escorts from St. Lazarus leave for Cyprus.