PROGRAMME: Becoming a global witness via digital toolkit
PROJECT NUMBER: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000033524
DURATION: 15/01/2022 – 15/01/2024
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein
PROGRAMME: Becoming a global witness via digital toolkit |
Through this project, partners have designed to develop a novel toolkit by which trainers can attract, reach out and assist all citizens and generations to being creative, flexible, dedicated and proactive in the emerging international community. Therefore, the DIG-GSW project will offer activities of education and exchanges of experiences to all citizens and generations including seniors, with view to building and adding solidity to the European identity.
For the successful implementation of the project as well as its sustainability and scale-up in more countries and more communities, all the outputs created by the project will be open to anyone and all the material will be available to anybody interested in using it and implementing it. The idea of the DIG-GSW project was created based on the common need of the partner’s organizations for the development of qualifications for adult trainers in a national and European level in terms of promoting global citizenship.
This project is complementary to other projects already carried out by the participating organizations. The DIG-GSW project thus needs to be carried out transnationally as this makes it possible for partners from different EU Member States having complimentary expertise and interests in the topic in question, adult training and technology to exchange and pool their knowledge/resources to contribute in developing a novel adult training toolkit. Moreover, the synergy between international organizations and adults, will guarantee the knowledge and comprehension of different cultural realities and stimulates intercultural dialogue.
Throughout this project, partners will exchange and co-create new ideas, strategies, tools, and energy to help adults become mature global citizens in a time of world-wide disruption and transformation. The aim of the DIG-GSW project is concerned with developing a novel toolkit by which trainers can attract, reach out and assist adult learners to mindfully attend to global events with an embodied awareness through transformative learning, thereby becoming mature global citizens. To achieve this aim, the DIG-GSW project will have the following objectives:
- To develop new methods and tools of GSW for education
- To establish ‘cosmopolitan education’ for adults
- To develop skills for critical humility in the global political processes
- To strengthen the professional profile of trainers, by using this innovative material of GSW
- To disseminate and exploit the outputs of the DIG-GSW project and in particular ensure that the innovative toolkit is openly available to all stakeholders across Europe