PROGRAMME: Emotional Management for Migrant Women


PROJECT NUMBER: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000033610

DURATION: 01/12/2021 – 01/04/2024

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

PROGRAMME: Emotional Management for Migrant Women
PROJECT NUMBER: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000033610


Europe has traditionally been one of the major destinations of immigration mainly due to its relative economic prosperity and political stability. According to World Migration report 2020 Europe experienced the second largest growth during 2019, with an increase of 25 million international migrants (5.5 %) of the 448 million people living in the EU-27 were non-EU-27 citizens. Given these figures, migration must be treated as a global issue. That said, the increase in migrants has been evident over time – both numerically and proportionally – and at a slightly faster rate than previously anticipated. Regarding the gender distribution of immigrants to the EU-27 Member States in 2018 women migrated as much as men, almost half (46%) of all international migrants were female. (Eurostat, May 2020)

On the other hand, women face specific difficulties at different stages of migration. According to UNFPA (United nations Populated Fund) migration is a serious concern for migrant women for different motives:

• Migrant women face double discrimination – as women and as migrants. Women can suffer doubly from these attitudes, experiencing not only discrimination based on their migrant status but also based on based on their gender. This can take the form of discrimination and mistreatment – including sexual harassment – in the workplace, while seeking housing, while using public transportation, and while accessing education and health services.

• Female migrants face major risks, including sexual exploitation, trafficking and violence. Migrant women are particularly vulnerable to abuse and exploitation, accounting for 71% of trafficking victims, according to a 2018 report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

• Migrant women are more likely to face health problems at their destinations. When female migrants reach their intended destinations, they face barriers to health care, especially sexual and reproductive health services. In this context, immigrant women face a possible higher prevalence of serious mental health problems such as affective depression, schizophrenia, stress disorders and anxiety (Fox, Burns, Popvich, & Ilg, 2001). This situation has been aggravated in the last year by the effects of Covid 19 (confinement, social isolation, lack of interpersonal relationships and, ultimately, lack of human contact).

This is why, particularly at this time, emotional management is one of the keys not only to underpin the mental health of this group, but also to strengthen their interpersonal area and facilitate their social inclusion. In this sense, when analyzing emotions and their regulation, one of the most relevant variables currently researched is the study of Emotional Intelligence. EI has been defined as the ability of an individual to identify, understand and manage the emotional content of their interactions and experiences (Goleman, 1995), and is divided in two big areas: – intrapersonal. Individual management of one’s emotions – interpersonal. Managing one’s own and other people’s emotions in a social environment TARGET GROUPS:

  • Migrant women
  • Social workers and NGO volunteers in the field of immigration.


EMMW is a training plan for the purpose of developing and managing emotional skills in the frame of the immigration, reaching both female migrants and social workers and NGO with the aim of improving their risk situation in the adaptation and integration to a different country from that of their origin and, at the end, psychological well-being and the inclusion in the host country. The specific objectives of EMMW are the following ones:

  • Make migrant women able to regulate their emotional states to cope with the new situation in which they find themselves.
  • Make migrant women able to reduce anxiety and stress caused by the situations they have had to face.
  • Improve their cultural adaptation by reducing psychological distress.
  • Make social workers and volunteers of NGOs in the field of immigration help migrant women identify and recognize the emotions they feel.
  • Make social workers and volunteers of NGOs in the field of immigration help identify the reason and know how to manage in a more suitable way the emotional state to express it.
  • Manage the fear of changes.
  • Create a training system with tools.
  • Disseminate the results of this training to other institutions that could benefit this output


  • Start Date: 01/12/2021

  • End Date: 01/04/2024


    VJAAD EV – Germany


  • Learning for Integration ry – Finland

  • Welcome Home International – Belgium

  • INDEPCIE SCA – Spain

  • Puhu Araştırma ve Danışmanlık Ltd. Şti. – Turkey

Project Updates

EMMW Digital Toolkit

May 24th, 2024|

Our EMMW digital toolkit is almost ready! You will findpodcastsvideosgamesworkshopsexerciseswith the aim of developing different areas of emotional intelligence Project Info Project Page Gallery [...]

Last TPM for the EMMW project

May 22nd, 2024|

On May 23rd, 2024, the EMMW (Emotional Management for Migrant Women) project held its last Transnational Project Meeting in Helsinki. As we approach the end of this impactful two-year journey, our partners gathered to [...]

EMMW YouTube Channel

May 12th, 2024|

We have published a YouTube channel for our project Emotional Management for Migrant Women – see some videos about the different methods for developing your emotional skills and wellbeing. [...]