PROGRAMME: Play, Learn, Act, Ensure Sustainable Development Goals
PROJECT NUMBER: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000031638
DURATION:01/12/2021 –30/11/2023
PROGRAMME: Play, Learn, Act, Ensure Sustainable Development Goals
PROJECT NUMBER: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000031638
DURATION:01/12/2021 –30/11/2023
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein
The main idea of this project is to create inclusive & innovative educational tools for teachers to be able to work towards Sustainable Development Goals with the primary school pupils through an innovative & entertaining manner, using Game-Based Learning. Even Though there are plenty of online resources and information regarding this topic, after a research, we found the need of structured & adapted educational resources for primary school students. Adapted in terms of methodology & vocabulary, we consider that the GBL & storytelling are appropriate for their age in order to understand & assimilate abstract concepts, as the ones of SDG.
Our project purpose is to create a set of board games for each area of the sustainable goals, with a focus on raising awareness on the differences between the achievement of them according to different continents, like this we ensure also a deeper understanding of the international context and inequalities existing worldwide. During the project we will create a methodological guide and activities for teachers, educators and parents on how to teach their children through non-formal educational methods, through gamification of real life situation, civic, social and emotional competences which will serve them to develop as functional and fulfilled adults contributing to a sustainable development of their community and society.
- To provide qualitative and inclusive educational tools to teachers and educators on how to raise awareness and work on the Sustainable Development Goals with pupils;
- To create awareness to primary school students regarding SDG and to foster positive attitudes and behaviour in accordance with these goals
- To foster eco-friendly attitudes, behaviours and lifestyles among teachers and pupils
- To improve the teachers’ skills and competences, , in terms of delivering creative content, providing them the necessary knowledge, tools and know hows.