PROGRAMME: Learning Skills for Refugees and Immigrants with low or no educational background
PROJECT NUMBER: 2022-1-NO01-KA220-ADU-000088627
DURATION:01/10/2022 – 30/09/2024
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein
PROGRAMME: Learning Skills for Refugees and Immigrants with low or no educational background
PROJECT NUMBER: 2022-1-NO01-KA220-ADU-000088627
DURATION:01/10/2022 – 30/09/2024
Refugees and asylum seekers flee to Europe to escape humanitarian catastrophes. This target group faces numerous settlement challenges, including finding affordable accommodation and jobs, which are exacerbated by language and communication barriers. In t heir new community they may also have to include racism and discrimination incidents. Refugees and asylum seekers frequently confront the consequences of disrupted education on schooling and hence their lack of understanding in English. These students have very limited or no formal education skills, competences, and experience.
DeCapua and Marshall (2010) define students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE) as “students who have had their formal education disrupted due to war, civil unrest, migration, or other factors; who have never attended any type of schooling prior to entering school in their new home country; or whose formal education has been limited in their home countries due to a lack of resources or trained teachers.” This subgroup’s tremendous internal heterogeneity also makes it impossible to address the wildly divergent needs of its members. A person’s literacy level in their first language (L1) influences the amount of aid necessary to learn English, as do their further educational abilities and competences acquired in their home countries. Not only is this group of students diverse in terms of language and cultural background, but also in terms of prior experience with topic and language and
basic education acquisition. Why it should be funded There is a lack of research in Europe on refugees or migrants with a limited or non-existent educational background in terms of adult education, knowledge acquisition, and further skills training. The LEARN project seeks to advance equal opportunity and access, as well as inclusion, diversity, and fairness for the aforementioned marginalized group. Organizations with limited resources and participants in need of educational tools that are tailored to the intended target
group will be aided and provided with critical tools and resources.
The overall objective of this initiative is to teach refugees and migrants how to begin their educational pathway in their new home country. This generally refers to those who have spent a substantial portion of their lives on refugee campuses, shelters or other likewise facilities throughout Europe but they do not have complete education, face societal, educational and cultural barriers that prevent them and put them of, from enrolling or completing their education pathway in order to be able to seek professional rehabilitation.
Expected Results:
LEARN project foresees the creation of the following innovative and original Work Packages & Results:
– LEARN Structured Training Course