PROGRAMME: Augmented Reality – a Useful Tool in Teaching
PROJECT NUMBER: 2019-1-EE01-KA101-051272
DURATION: 01-09-2019 to 31-08-2020

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


PROGRAMME: Augmented Reality – a Useful Tool in Teaching
PROJECT NUMBER: 2019-1-EE01-KA101-051272
DURATION: 01-09-2019 to 31-08-2020


In the framework of updating the teaching methods and techniques used in contemporary secondary education, our school decided to seek the development of a project that will give teachers the theoretical background and technical knowhow to incorporate methods utilizing Virtual / Augmented Reality in the classroom.

The project’s objectives are to give teachers knowledge of new technological innovations that can be used in the classroom, namely Virtual / Augmented Reality, to make them aware about the benefits of incorporating technological teaching methods in the learning process, to help them attain a positive stance towards lifelong learning and keep trying to improve their skills and competences, to understand the benefits of European cooperation and feel part of the European family.

The ultimate goal is to give teachers the tools that will make students more engaged in the learning process. Considering how accustomed and fascinated young students are with high technology, being daily users of mobile devices with AR/VR applications, we believe this project that focuses on Virtual / Augmented Reality will have particular importance and utility for our school.

For this project, Tamsalu Gymnasium will send 6 teachers for 1 week to Greece at E-SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL GROUP to follow a structured training course in Virtual / Augmented Reality and its application in the classroom. The teachers involved will come from different fields, they will have to be adequately proficient in English and have high ICT competences in order to be able to fully utilize the technology and share and disseminate the project’s outcomes with the teachers that didn’t participate, acting as mentors for them.

The project follows all the guidelines and recommendations for educational projects set by the education authorities of Estonia. The partner organizations will be cooperating closely in order to arrange all practical issues concerning the participants and the mobility itself.

After the end of the mobility, the teachers will be able to create a different learning experience for their students incorporating elements of VR / AR, producing better learning outcomes. Moreover, they will have experience in international cooperation and increased capacity to create and organize international activities using the English language.

The benefits of the project will reach everyone involved directly or indirectly in the project, from the partner organizations, the teaching staff and ultimately the students. Tamsalu Gymnasium will enhance the training methods it provides and will be more attractive to students and the community reinforcing the educational work it produces. Teaching staff will be able to include innovative technologies like VR / AR in their teaching process and they will be more capable of engaging the students in the learning process. The European mobility will improve their international communication and cooperation skills which will lead to more European projects and cooperation in the future. The course provider will benefit from this project as they will have to adjust and improve their training techniques to fit the characteristics of our school.

The longer-term benefits of this project will come from the dissemination of the project’s results to other schools in the wider region and subsequent cooperation for the deeper and wider adoption of those techniques that will prove more successful at engaging the students. The results will also be shared with other schools in a European level using the tools provided by the European Union. This cooperation is also expected to create the need for more European mobilities and international collaboration and will ultimately be beneficial for all those involved.



  • Start Date: 01/09/2019

  • End Date: 31/11/2020

Applicant Organization

  • Tamsalu Gymnasium

Host Organization

  • E-School Educational Group – Greece

Karditsa – Greece

Moments of the Activities