Emotional intelligence, also known as emotional quotient or EQ, is the ability to recognize, utilize, and control one’s own emotions in a favorable way in order to alleviate stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome obstacles, and defuse conflict. The concept of Emotional Intelligence (EI or EQ) has been accepted by many educators and educational institutions in the form of ‘social & emotional learning’ (SEL) programs and modules. In 2002, UNESCO launched a global drive to promote SEL, highlighting the significance of developing these key life skills. Recent research indicates that certain non-cognitive qualities, such as Emotional Intelligence, may have a positive effect on academic performance.

The goal of this course is to equip the participants with knowledge related to the ten basic principles for implementing SEL in educational settings as well as practical tools for self-awareness, self-management, recognizing others’ emotions and understanding the relationship between thoughts and emotions. Moreover, the participants will be hugely benefited by in depth knowledge of classroom related SEL skills, such as listening and talking in ways that resolve conflicts instead of escalating them.


  • Educators
  • School principals & directors (primary & secondary schools)
  • Teachers (primary & secondary schools)
  • Teachers working in Vocational Training Schools or Institutes.
  • Educational Advisors
  • Adult education staff
  • Higher education staff
  • NGOs staff
  • Policy makers
  • Public Servants


  • To raise the awareness regarding the importance of Emotional Intelligence in Modern Educational and Workplace settings.
  • To propose methods to avoid and resolve conflicts using ‘social and emotional learning’ (SEL) skills
  • To promote in-depth knowledge of the connection between thoughts and emotions


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • understand the concept of emotional intelligence and the related abilities;

  • develop trustworthy relationships in the classroom or at their workplace;

  • understand the feelings and emotions of students and coworkers;

  • remain in control at all times and prevent conflict;

  • enhance their critical thinking, problem solving and decision making skills as well as leadership ability;

  • acquire the ability to manage their own and others’ emotions in order to guide their students/learners to academic success.


  • The course uses participatory approaches as much as possible. A variety of methodologies will be used, including lecture/presentation, discussions, group work, questions and answers, demonstrations, examples of good practice, case studies, and practical sessions (hands-on practice).

  • Participants will be given a hard copy of the material presented during the course.

  • Each participant will be assessed throughout the course.


We are an innovative, flexible and creative training center with the passion to help out learners reach the best of their best potential. We have a proven track of success in all kinds of seminars and trainings.


  • Walking City Tour
  • Welcoming dinner
  • Ice breaking activities
  • Course Introduction
  • Definition of EI and its importance in the modern world
  • Characteristics of Emotional Intelligence
  • Theory of Mind – Social Cognition – False Belief

  • Child Development – Social Emotional development stages
  • Definitions/ models – (Case Studies, Analysis – Group Exercises)
  • Feedback from Case Study exercise
  • False Perception: recap Theory of Mind and Introduction of new concepts
  • Developing literal to abstract thinking?
  • In touch with self (Group exercise)
  • Identifying your own emotions and tools for development
  • Basic Principles of Conflict Resolution
  • Basic Principles of Active Listening
  • Role-play Exercises incorporating EI
  • Can EI be taught?
  • Educational and Workplace Models – History and Modern Practice
  • Theory of mind in the classroom or workplace
  • Creating future Leaders
  • Identify opportunities (exercise)
  • Revision of Basic Principles (Day 3)
  • Using EI development possibilities at home, in the classroom, or in the workplace (Group exercise)
  • Planning change – Influential power (Action plans to be adopted)
  • Brief overview and Evaluation
  • Handing over certificates
  • Farewell dinner

Coffee breaks 10:30 – 11:00, and 15:30 – 16:00

Lunch 13.00 – 14.00


  • 22/04/2024 > 26/04/2024
  • 01/07/2024 > 05/07/2024
  • 07/10/2024 > 11/10/2024


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Has your project been approved? *
In case you need help in the proposal writing, please upload your organization PIF and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.