Rapid changes and restructuring in the field of work and society leading inevitably to the need for a different approach to educational issues in order to enable learners to live and work in a digital, globalized and multicultural environment. Accordingly, the role of the educator is more complex and multidimensional in our days. In this light, this course offers educators the right skills, techniques and tools to embrace Game-based learning into their teaching/training sessions.


  • Teachers & Headmasters/principals/managers of primary schools, secondary schools and vocational schools or organizations offering adult education or vocational education.

  • Adult education teachers.

  • Teachers of special needs.

  • Trainers of educators.

  • Careers officers, educational guides and counsellors.


To improve educators’ scientific and pedagogical background through the use of Game Based Method.


This course provides the general knowledge and understanding required to offer educators the necessary skills to use Game Based Method during their teaching/training sessions. By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • understand the usability of game based method

  • comprehend the pros and cons of game based usages in educational processes

  • know a range of games that can be used to support learning

  • promote the use of new technologies through the integration of the games into the educational process, thus enhancing learners’ digital skills

  • incorporate games into the educational process with the aim to make learning more engaging

  • gain experience in new techniques through their participation in workshops/practical sessions

  • familiarize themselves with best practice approaches and practical examples of using game based tools and methods in education in different countries

  • create lesson plans by applying new knowledge gained

  • incorporate game-based strategies during their lessons/sessions in the future

  • create a game to serve a particular educational goal


  • The course uses participatory approaches as much as possible. A variety of methodologies will be used, including lecture/presentation, discussions, group work, questions and answers, demonstrations, and practical sessions (hands-on practice).

  • articipants will be given a hard copy of the material presented during the course.

  • Each participant will be assessed throughout the course.


We are an innovative, flexible and creative training center with the passion to help out learners reach the best of their potential. We have a proven track of success in all kinds of seminars and trainings.


  • Walking City Tour
  • Welcoming dinner
  • Ice breaking activities and course introduction
  • Understanding the role of Games in education
  • Sharing personal experience and examples
  • Introducing host town (cultural sights)
  • Game-Based Learning as a teaching method
  • Different types of Games for enhancing Learning
  • Critical Thinking through Games
  • Teaching strategies and sources for Game Based Learning
  • Game Based Learning workshop
  • Game-design elements and game principles in educational context
  • Gamification examples
  • Lesson design with gaming elements
  • Gamification workshop
  • Serious games in education
  • Game concept design
  • Gameplay design
  • Presentation of serious games about the environment
  • Serious game workshop
  • Serious games in education, continued
  • Games as a societal learning tool in history
  • Presentation of serious games about societal issues
  • Serious Game Workshop
  • Feedback of the course and evaluation
  • Handing over certificates
  • Farewell dinner

Session Hours: 09.00 – 13.30

Break: 10.30 – 11.00


  • 22/04/2024 > 26/04/2024
  • 01/07/2024 > 05/07/2024
  • 07/10/2024 > 11/10/2024


Session course dates *
Select as many as you wish
Has your project been approved? *
In case you need help in the proposal writing, please upload your organization PIF and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Moments of the Activities