PROGRAMME: The right gamification and for tackling early school leaving and disadvantage


PROJECT NUMBER: 2020-1-ES01-KA201-082223

DURATION: 01/11/2020 – 31/10/2022

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein



PROGRAMME: The right gamification and for tackling early school leaving and disadvantage
PROJECT NUMBER: 2020-1-ES01-KA201-082223

Context/background of project:

The main idea is to develop a gamification program and game-based learning applicable to the 6 Primary Education courses in order to improve school performance in disadvantaged areas, with few resources and with high early school dropout rates. In the first phase of the project the program will be designed according to the educational frameworks of each partner country and in the second part of the project it will be implemented in each of the countries.

Areas with less resources and more economic obstacles are showing worse academic results:

  • Poverty and dropouts are inextricably connected in the three primary settings affecting healthy child and adolescent development: families, schools and communities (Rumberger, 2012)
  • Schools with highest percent of migrants have social inclusion problems
  • Bad positions in PISA rankings
  • The problem of early school leaving start in schools.


Target group

  • Direct target group: Children from 6 to 12: this is the age when students start disliking the schools. In most of the cases after 12 years old students already know that they don’t like studying.
  • Indirect target group: teachers


Main Target Goals

  • To tackle the early school leaving by motivating students from the beginning of their studies.
  • To increase the academic level in disadvantaged schools.
  • To increase social inclusion by applying a methodology based on communication and working group.



  • 4 transnational project meetings
  • various online meetings in-between
  • 2 intellectual outputs

The project will last 24 months, from November 2020 until October 2022. Due to Covid-19 restrictions these dates may vary accordingly.


  • Start Date: 01/11/2020

  • End Date: 31/10/2022


  • CEIP CUBA – Spain



  • DAFO Gestión Estratégica – Spain

  • Scoala Profesionala Gropnita – Romania

Project Updates

Final TPM for the Gamiright Project

June 29th, 2022|

On June 27, 2022, the final TPM for the Gamiright took place in Madrid, Spain. Partners reviewed the project and its implementation details, since the project is nearing completion.It's hard to believe that [...]

Online Meeting of GamiRight – May 25

May 25th, 2022|

Today, May 25, 2022, GAMIRIGHT partners met online to discuss the progress of the pilot phase, evaluate the work completed to date, and determine the next steps. The primary objective of the GAMIRIGHT project [...]