E-SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL GROUP has the opportunity to host this week in its newly renovated premises teachers from Poland in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme, in a mobility aimed at their professional training. More specifically, they will receive specialized knowledge on Augmented and Virtual Reality and their application in the classroom.

More precisely, at the end of this course teachers will be able to:

  1. understand the different uses of Augmented and Virtual Reality in the context of the classroom,
  2. identify the strengths and weaknesses of each use,
  3. integrate the different techniques in their teaching,
  4. recognise the new opportunities that the development of technology can offer in the context of education,
  5. learn how to use each opportunity to their advantage.

E-SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL GROUP strives to meet the expectations of all those who choose it and is committed to constantly work on achieving the best possible result.

The actions of the Learning Mobility of School Education Staff give the opportunity to many teachers of Public or Private Education to improve their knowledge, skills and competences on modern educational methodology. In addition, they have the opportunity to encounter the culture and heritage of other countries, to improve their language skills and to develop a sense of European identity.

E-SCHOOL has been very active in recent years in the European Erasmus+ programmes. It is currently implementing numerous projects in the KA2 category and has hosted hundreds of teachers and students in the KA1 category, using high quality trainers from our city.
