PROGRAMME: Elemination of Digital Inequality


PROJECT NUMBER: 2020-1-TR01-KA204-093120

DURATION: 01/12/2020 – 30/11/2022

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

PROGRAMME: Elemination of Digital Inequality
PROJECT NUMBER: 2020-1-TR01-KA204-093120

The main objectives of the project are:

✔️ Developing the basic skills and competencies of low skilled individuals in digital aspects
✔️ To find a job or to ensure their continuity in their jobs
✔️ Providing an opportunity for an innovative educational environment to individuals who have completed the compulsory education age
✔️ To contribute to the integration process of individuals who were born with digital inability due to the age they were born.
✔️ To give digital skills training with innovative methods and techniques
✔️ Design and develop a special game-based learning method in order to develop adult’s digital skills
✔️ Ensuring harmony between international organizations and adults
✔️ To bring 21.century digital skills to the target audience
✔️ Integrating innovative approaches to education in adult education
✔️ Participating in active citizenship within the framework of Erasmus +
✔️ Supporting intercultural interaction
✔️ Increasing social inclusion levels
✔️ Excahnges of good practices and expriences among the involved partners
✔️ To contribute to the development of language competences

Continuous and rapid development and change of technology facilitates the lives of individuals. owever, low-skilled adult individuals who cannot follow technological developments and are technologically inadequate have difficulties in keeping up with the age. Facilitating the accessibility of the internet provided more user access, which has created a new culture within itself. This culture brought with it the concepts of digital immigrants, digital natives and digital hybrids (Persky).

Digital immigrants are defined as individuals born before 1980. Their most important feature is that they cannot use digital media tools effectively. Digital natives; they are in a virtual environment as soon as they are born, they are not afraid of using technology, breaking or doing wrong. Among the digital immigrants, there are also individuals who adapt well to the digital world, and these are called Digital Hybrids.

It has been determined that the online software we created within our district governorship needs a face-to-face application desk that digital migrants cannot actively use. In this case, it has revealed the necessity of working in this field, where the adults in our target group cannot use basic digital competencies.

Our district consists of 289,258 people. Our target audience was taken as individuals born after 1980, and it was determined that the target audience is 124,134 people. A questionnaire was prepared for the needs analysis, the questionnaire was evaluated with the “Cronbach alpha” technique, and its validity and reliability were ensured. Due to the size and heterogeneity of our target audience, it was applied to 1000 people in the city center by random sampling method. The questionnaire data were evaluated by using SPSS program with Chi Square Analysis and Correlation Analysis technique. According to the result of this evaluation; bill payment, e-government, mhrs, e-banking, appointment, complaint / request applications, quick agenda tracking, video call etc. It was concluded that they were in DIGITAL MIGRANT position where they could not perform such simple operations, they even needed digital natives to perform these simple operations, and that they could not perform these operations alone. According to the bilateral regression analysis, 87.2% of our target audience is DIGITAL MIGRANT and 12.8% are DIGITAL MELEZ.

As a result of our needs analysis; “Providing digital competence”, which is one of the most important key competences, constitutes the basic need of our organizations and society. Experts can motivate learners to succeed and develop continuously with game-based learning approaches, increase self-esteem, direct their own lives, improve themselves, facilitate cooperative learning, etc. They think that it will benefit in the fields. Due to all these needs and reasons, our “EDI” project will work together to develop DIGITAL MELESIS by providing the basic digital competencies of adults who are DIGITAL MIGRAN. Because every partner organization is to eliminate the digital equality between the communities on the subject of our project title, ELEMINATION OF DIGITAL INAQUALITY, which it brings from its internal dynamics.

The scientific research method we use in collaboration with our foreign partners has been implemented by integrating the partners with the same target groups. It has been determined that our communities have common needs. These common needs revealed the necessity to work transnationally in cooperation.

As stated by the European Union in 2020 targets, it is an inevitable fact that all community citizens are realized interactively because the communities have some common competencies in an era where global competition is gaining momentum. The partnership of the participating countries will enable the development of multicultural, intercultural learning and non-formal work methodologies.


  • Start Date: 01/12/2020

  • End Date: 30/11/2022


  • Efeler Kaymakamligi – Turkey



  • Institut za raziskovanje in usposabljanje v vzgoji in
    izobrazevanju – IVIZ – Slovenia

  • Aydin Egitim,Kultur ve Sanat Dernegi – Turkey

  • Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica – Poland

  • Aydin Efeler Halk Egitim Merkezi ve ASO Mudurlugu – Turkey

  • AC Amics de la Biblioteca de la Fonteta – Spain

Project Updates

3rd TPM of EDI project

May 10th, 2022|

On Tuesday, the 10th of May, the 3rd TPM of the project "Elimination of Digital Inequality" [EDI] took place in Valencia, Spain.All partners had the chance to see in first hand the final draft [...]

Online meeting of EDI project

April 29th, 2022|

The partner of EDI project (Elimination of Digital Inequality) held an Online Meeting this week, in order to discuss about the project progress and arrange the details for their upcoming TPM in Valencia, Spain! [...]

Online meeting – EDI project

January 17th, 2022|

The EDI project partners held an online meeting today, January 17th. During this meeting, all of the partners discussed the project's next stages, such as the development of the Game based on the details [...]